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Qingdao Rongxinxin Rubber Auxiliary Co., Ltd.


Address:Juhuashan Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province

Main composition of rubber additives pre-dispersion

2023-03-15 09:26:26

1, rubber additives: is the main material of pre-dispersed rubber additives, its quality directly affects the quality of pre-dispersed rubber additives, generally 40%-80% content.

2. Carrier: The selection of carrier is very important for the production of pre-dispersed rubber auxiliaries mother colloidal granule/master film. Attention should be paid to the solubility of rubber auxiliaries in the carrier and the compatibility of the carrier and rubber.

3, additives: pre-dispersed rubber additives mother colloidal/film additives are plasticizers, lubricants and anti-adhesive, etc. These additives can improve the dispersion of rubber additives in rubber (carrier), storage stability, extrusion appearance quality and prevent adhesion between pre-dispersed rubber additives.


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